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A Tribute

Tammy Felt Williams

The other day I was going through my Mom and Dad’s journals, and I came across a Family Circle cartoon. There were two women talking.

The one woman had four children by her side. They were tugging on her dress and hanging on her. The other woman asked the other:

“How do you divide your love between your four children?”

The woman said, “Oh, I don’t divide, I multiply.”




This is just what my
Mom and Dad have done.

For they have

12 children,

51 grandchildren and growing,

24 great grandchildren (2014) and growing.

Each of us knows we are so loved!

A little over a month ago my 11 year old son, Travis was given an assignment in his Language Arts class to write a paper on an unforgettable person in his life.

Travis decided to write his paper on Grandpa. I believe he was writing this on behalf of all the grandchildren.

Grandpa, here is a tribute to you from your grandchildren. 

Where Are You Now”  R. Michael Rhodes

“My Grandpa”
by Travis Williams

My Grandpa and I are best friends.
He will always have time for me and if he doesn’t he will make time for me.
He takes me to many different places.

My Grandpa is kind and thoughtful to everyone.
I love spending time with him and I know he loves spending time with me too.
Kind and caring are two words that describe my Grandpa.

He is willing to give up very precious things.
One example is when he gave me a wallet that he has had for over 25 years.
I will always keep this wallet because it will remind me of him.
He will never leave someone out of going somewhere or playing games.
He will help me get anything I need. He will spend hours with me going places and playing games.
He is always asking me if I would like to go some- where with him.

Some of the places he has taken me to is Monte the Bean Museum, candy shops, ice cream shops, BYU College, parks, and hiking.

My favorite place he has taken me to is the Monte Bean Museum.
They have all the animals you can think of stuffed and mounted.
He has taken me to some really fun parks.

I went to BYU with him and went bowling.
I’ve also gone hiking up trails.
On the way home he buys me candy or an ice cream cone. (Grandpa loves ice cream)
We have family reunions and he is always there.

He always gets my cousins to come, too.
He helps arrange all the talent shows.
We go four wheeling a lot, too.
We have even gone tubing.
He will play games with me and help me set them up.

If all my cousins come we’re very crowded because I have a lot of cousins on my mom’s side.
My Grandpa is the best Grandpa there is. If you looked around the whole world you couldn’t find a Grandpa any better.

He will always be kind to whomever he meets.
He is always happy and has a smile on his face.
The family reunions are the best!

I love my Grandpa and I know he loves me too!

This summer I was with my children at our neighborhood swimming pool.
They were happily playing as I was reflecting on my many blessings.
I was looking at the beautiful blue sky and my attention was drawn to the magnificent oak trees that surrounded the playground area.
As I was looking at their grandeur, I noticed the biggest and most grand oak tree was dying …it was nearly barren.

A very strong impression came over me that this Grande ‘Ole oak tree was like my father.
I then looked at the oak trees that stood side by side this dying oak tree.
They were standing tall and grand.
Seeing this continuation of life in the oak trees has helped me to prepare for this day.

A favorite song of mine goes like this… “Grandpa…pa, Grandpa…pa, I love you Grandpa…pa. I’ll make a showing you’re proud of someday!”

I pray that each of us will live our lives so we can become a Grand ‘Ole oak tree just like my father has been. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

FuneralsPaul Ernest Felt, SnrTribute to Grandpa from the Grandchildren